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“La siderurgia italiana dopo il 1993: declino, resilienza e frammentazione” in Franco Amatori, Pietro Modiano, Edoardo Reviglio (a cura di), L’Italia al bivio. Classi dirigenti alla prova del cambiamento. 1992-2022, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2024, pp. 76-92
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“Laminoirs (Histoire)”, in Philippe Mioche, Eric Godelier, Ivan Charaba et Pascal Raggi (sous la direction de), Dictionnaire historique del la sidérurgie française, Aix-en Provence Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2022, pp. 411-413
“Royaume-Uni et France”, in Philippe Mioche, Eric Godelier, Ivan Charaba et Pascal Raggi (sous la direction de), Dictionnaire historique del la sidérurgie française, Aix-en Provence Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2022, pp.635-636
– “Una grande alleanza per rilanciare l’Ast. Idrogeno verde: come cambiare Pnrr regionale. Analisi del piano Arvedi”, www.passaggimagazine.it, 19/04/2022
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“Ilva”, in Impresa Italiana, Primo volume: Le storie, Treccani, 2021, pp. 119-122
– “The Story of an Ancient Steel Plant. La Terni, centotrentacinque anni di storia industriale”, in Red «About Umbria», a. 1, n. 1, 2018, pp. 92-99.
-“Gli articoli pubblicati su Ingenium dal 2011 al 2015″, in “Ingenium” Numero monografico “Il futuro della chimica a Terni”, Anno XXVI, n. 108, ottobre-dicembre 2016, pp. 23-25
– “Grande industria e sistema industriale”, in Mario Tosti (a cura di), Storia dell’Umbria dall’Unità a oggi. Uomini e Risorse, Venezia, Marsilio, Istituto per la Storia Contemporanea, 2014, pp. 181-227.
– [con la collaborazione di Salvatore Romeo] “Capitolo 1. La siderurgia IRI dal Piano Sinigaglia alla Privatizzazione”, in Storia dell’IRI. 5. Un Gruppo singolare. Settori, bilanci, presenza nell’economia italiana, a cura di Franco Russolillo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2014, pp. 5-199.
[with Jonathan Aylen] “Technological Trajectories. The Wide Strip Mill for Steel in Europe”, in Charles Barthel, Ivan Kharaba, Philippe Mioche (Eds.), Les mutations de la sidérurgie mondiale du XXe siècle à nos jours /The Transformation of the World Steel Industry from the XXth Century to the Present, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2014, pp. 363-380.
“The End of Public Steel in Italy. IRI and the Selling of ILVA (1992-1993)”, in Charles Barthel, Ivan Kharaba, Philippe Mioche (Eds.), Les mutations de la sidérurgie mondiale du XXe siècle à nos jours /The Transformation of the World Steel Industry from the XXth Century to the Present, Bruxelles, Peter Lang, 2014, pp. 189-196.
“AST: storia prestigiosa da tutelare, ma la sfida decisiva è il presente”, Il Giornale dell’Umbria, 11 marzo 2014.
“La vicenda di ILVA e i rischi per il sistema industriale italiano. / The crisis at the Taranto ILVA”, in Economia e Politica Industriale. Journal of Industrial and Business Economics, Milano, Franco Angeli, Vol XL, n. 3, settembre 2013, pp. 117-140.
Ruggero Ranieri and Jonathan Aylen, (Eds.), RIBBON OF FIRE. How Europe adopted and developed US strip mill technology (1920-2000), Bologna, Pendragon, 2012. [Il volume è stato recensito da Thomas Welskopp su “Techonology and Culture”, Number 2, April 2015, published by John Hopkins Universe, pp. 556-558.]
“Iron and Steel State Industry in the UK and Italy”, Franco Amatori, Robert Millward and Pier Angelo Toninelli (eds), Reappraising State-Owned Enterprise. A Comparison of the UK and Italy, New York, Routledge, 2011, pp. 182-200.
“The importance of the wide strip mill and its impact” (con Jonathan Aylen), in Ruggero Ranieri and Jonathan Aylen, (Eds.), RIBBON OF FIRE. How Europe adopted and developed US strip mill technology (1920-2000), Bologna, Pendragon, 2012, pp. 13-47.
“Introduction: Wide strip mills in Europe from the 1930s to the 1960s: A comparative perspective”, in Ruggero Ranieri and Jonathan Aylen, (Eds.), RIBBON OF FIRE. How Europe adopted and developed US strip mill technology (1920-2000), Bologna, Pendragon, 2012, pp.79-130.
“Appendix I. First Generation of Wide Strip Mills in Europe. Plant and company detail” (with Jonathan Aylen), in Ruggero Ranieri and Jonathan Aylen, (Eds.), RIBBON OF FIRE. How Europe adopted and developed US strip mill technology (1920-2000), Bologna, Pendragon, 2012, pp. 275-280.
“El Plan Schuman y la CECA: experiencias fundamentales para la construcion de Europa”, Puente Europa, Anno VII, n. 1, aprile 2010, pp. 16-24.
“The European Coal and Steel Community and the Growth of Italy’s Steel Industry. Challenges and Constraints”, (Herausgegeben von Manfred Rasch und Kurt Düwell unter Mitwirkung von Beate Brüninghaus und Manfred Toncourt), Anfänge und Auswirkungen der Montanunion auf Europa, Essen, Klartext, 2007, (pp. 55-69).
“Prodotti e mercati”, Dalmine 1906-2006. Un secolo di industria. Franco Amatori e Stefania Licini (a cura), Bergamo, Fondazione Dalmine, 2006. (pp.133- 159).
“Una storia qualche volta controcorrente e una missione culturale da proseguire”, ICSIM Newsletter, dicembre 2005, n. 8. (pp. 28-29).
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“Il Piano Sinigaglia e la Ristrutturazione della Siderurgia italiana (1945-1958). In Annali di Storia dell’Impresa, 15-16, 2004-2005. (pp.17-45).
“L’espansione siderurgica italiana nel primo quindicennio del trattato CECA (1952-1967)”. In R. Ranieri e L. Tosi (a cura di), La Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell’Acciaio (1952-2002). Gli Esiti del Trattato in Europa e in Italia. Padova, CEDAM, 2004, (pp.153-228).
“Introduzione”, in R. Ranieri e L. Tosi (a cura di), La Comunità Europea del Carbone e dell’Acciaio (1952-2002). Gli Esiti del Trattato in Europa e in Italia. Padova, CEDAM, 2004 (pp.IX-IXVIII).
“La siderurgia pubblica italiana nel Secondo dopoguerra”, in Riccardo Nencini (prefazione di), Dalle partecipazioni statali alle politiche industriali, Roma, Meta, 2003, (pp. 59-74).
“The Wide strip Mill in Western Europe: tranferring American technology”, in Dominique Barjot (ed.), Catching up with America, Paris, Presse de l’Université de Paris – Sorbonne, 2002, (pp. 251-263).
“The productivity issue in the UK Steel industry”, 1945-1970, in Matthias Kipping, Nick Tiratsoo (eds.), Americanisation in 20th Europe: business, culture, politics, vol. 2, Lille, Centre de recherche sur l’Histoire de l’Europe du Nord-Ouest, Université Charles de Gaulle, 2002, (pp. 357-373).
‘La fase di espansione (1956-1973) della siderurgia italiana ed europea’, ICSIM Newsletter, n. 0. sett. 2001, (pp. 14-15).
[with M. Kipping and J. Dankers], “The Emergence of New Competitor Nations in the European Steel Industry: Italy and The Netherlands, 1945-65″, Business History, vol. 43, n. 1, Jan. 2001, (pp. 69-96).
[with Marco Marmottini], “New training for tomorrow’s Steel Managers, Steel Times, Jan. 2001, (pp.30-31)
‘Remodelling the Italian Steel Industry: Americanization, Modernization and Mass Production’, in Jonatan Zeitlen, Gary Heriggel (eds.), Americanization and its Limits: Reworking American Technology and Management in Post-War Europe and Japan, Hardcover, Oxford University Press, 2000, [chap.8], (pp.237-268).
[with Marco Marmottini], “Steelmaster 3. Training Industrialists, Steel Times, vol. 228, n. 2, 2000, (pp.66-67).
“L’intervista a Gian Lupo Osti. Riflessioni sull’intervista come fonte storica”, in Renato Covino (a cura di), Fonti orali e storia d’impresa: atti del seminario nazionale, Arezzo, 15 ottobre 1993, Soveria Mannelli (CZ), Rubbettino, 2000, [pt. 2], (pp. 67-78).
“Steel and the State in Italy and the UK. The public sector of the steel industry in comparative perspective, 1945-1996″, European Yearbook of Business History, vol. 2, 1999, (pp. 125-154).
“The Impact of Wide Strip Mills in Steel Producing Regions in Britain and Italy (1945-1965)”, in F. Amatori, A. Colli, N. Crepas (eds.), Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in 20th Century Europe, Milano, F. Angeli, 1999, (pp. 68-84).
‘Italian Industry and the EEC’, in A. Deighton and A. S. Milward (eds.), Widening, Deepening and Accelleration: the European Economic Community 1957-1963, Baden Baden, Nomos Verlag, 1999, (pp.185-198).
[with M. Kipping and J. Dankers], “Creating Competitive Advantage in the Steel Industry: Italy and The Netherlands, 1945-1965″, Discussion Papers in Economics and Managements, The University of Reading, Department of Economics, Series A, vol. 11, n. 397, 1998/99, (32 p.).
[ed. by] [with J. Aylen], The Steel Industry in the New Millennium. Technology and the Market (vol. 1), London, IOM Communications, 1998, (332 p.).
[ed. by] [with E. Gibellieri], The Steel Industry in the New Millennium. Institutions, Privatisation and Social Dimensions (vol. 2), London, IOM Communications, 1998, (332 p.).
“Introduction to Section II”, in R. Ranieri and E. Gibellieri (eds.), The Steel Industry in the New Millennium. Institutions, Privatisation and Social Dimensions., (vol. 2), London, IOM Communications, 1998, (pp. 173-179).
‘Between America and Europe: the Introduction of Wide Strip Mills in Britain and Italy’, in E. Bussière and M. Dumoulin (eds.), Milieux économiques et integration européenne en Europe occidentale au XXe siècle, Arras, Artois presse universitaire, 1998, (pp. 215-234).
“Le développement de l’industrie sidérurgique à Gênes et en Ligurie (1860-1960)”, in G. Castagnaret e P. Mioche (eds.), Histoire Industrielle de la Provence, Aix en Provence, Publications de l’Université de Provence, 1998, (pp.131-152).
“Learning from America. The Remodelling of Italy’s Public Sector Steel Industry in the 1950s and 1960s”, in M. Kipping and O. Bjarnar (eds.), The Americanisation of European Business. The Marshall Plan and the Transfer of US Management Models, London, Routledge, 1998, [chap. 12], (pp.208-228).
‘Remodelling the Italian Steel Industry: Americanization, Modernization and Mass Production’, University of Manchester Working Papers in Economic and Social History, n. 40, 1997, (42 p.).
[con Marco Marmottini], “La Terni durante la gestione Osti (1965-1975): i mercati, gli impianti e le strategie aziendali”, in R.Covino, A. Grohmann, L. Tosi (eds.), Uomini economia cultura: saggi in onore di Giampaolo Gallo, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, 1997, (pp. 285-316).
“Old Symbols and New Challenges: a Conference to review Steel Privatisation, Innovation and Markets beyond 2000″, Steel Times, vol. 224, n. 1, 1996, p. 18. ‘Il piano Marshall e la ricostruzione della siderurgia a ciclo integrale’, Studi storici, a. 37, n. 1, 1996, (pp. 145-190).
“Partners and Enemies: the Government’s Decision to Nationalise Steel, 1944-8″, in R. Millward and J. Singleton (eds.), The Political Economy of Nationalisation in Britain 1920-1950, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1995, [chap. 13], (pp. 275-305).
‘L’industria siderurgica britannica e l’integrazione europea: 1930-1954′, in A. Ciampani (ed.), L’altra via per l’Europa. Forze sociali e organizzazione degli interessi nell’integrazione europea (1947-1957), Milano, Angeli, 1995, [cap. 4], (pp. 82-97).
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“Assessing the Implications of Mass Production and European Integration: the Debate inside the Italian Steel Industry (1945 1960)”, in M. Dumoulin, R. Girault et G. Trausch, textes réunis par, L’Europe du Patronat de la Guerre Froide aux années ’60, Berne, Peter Lang, 1993, (pp.77-100).
‘The Marshall Plan and the Reconstruction of the Italian Steel Industry (1947-1954)’, in Ministère de l’Economie, des Finance et du Budget Le Plan Marshall et le relèvement économique de l’Europe, Colloque tenu a’ Bercy les 21, 22 et 23 mars 1991, sous la direction de René Girault et Maurice Levy Leboyer, Paris, Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et du Budget, Comité pour l’histoire économique et financière de la France, 1993, (pp. 367-385).
‘La grande siderurgia in Italia: dalla scommessa sul mercato all’industria dei partiti’, in Gian Lupo Osti, L’industria di stato dall’ascesa al degrado: trent’anni nel gruppo Finsider, conversazioni con Ruggero Ranieri, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1993, (pp. 7-96).
‘Inside or outside the Magic Circle: the Italian and the British Steel Industries face to face with the Schuman Plan and the European Coal and Steel Community in the Early Fifties’, in A.S. Milward, F. Lynch, R. Ranieri and others, The Frontier of National Sovereignty: History and Theory 1945-1992, London and New York, Routledge, 1993, [chap. 5], (pp. 117-154).
‘Attempting an Unlikely Union: the British Steel Industry and the European Coal and Steel Community, 1950-1954′, in Peter M. Stirk and David Willis (eds.), Shaping Post war Europe: European Unity and Disunity 1945 1957, London, Pinter, 1991, [chap. 11], (pp. 112-123 and 181-184).
‘L’Italia e i negoziati del Piano Schuman’, in Ennio Di Nolfo, Brunello Vigezzi e Roman Rainero (a cura di), L’Italia e la Politica di Potenza in Europa (1945 1950), Marzorati, Milano, 1988, [pt. 4], (pp. 547 572).
‘La siderurgia italiana e gli inizi dell’integrazione europea’, Passato e Presente, a. 3, n. 7, 1985, (pp.65 85). ‘The Italian Iron and Steel Industry and European Integration’, Eui Working Papers, n. 84/109, 1984, Badia Fiesolana, San Domenico Fiesole, (pp.1-37).